Study on method for smart passive architecture of method elements

기본카테고리 | 2015-08-28 오후 2:57:48 | 조회수 : 1100 | 공개

Energy consumption occurring in buildings accounts for 25% of the total national consumption. To cut down energy consumed in buildings, it became necessary to adopt low energy smart architecture. smart Passive architecture, a developed form of low energy construction, was brought to the fore and flourished in Germany to actively spread throughout Europe. The introduction of smart passive house to Korea is urgent as the country relies heavily on imports to meet 97% of its total energy needs. Thus, to draw out the elements of passive design, this paper analyzed the applicable elements of passive house as well as its essential elements such as insulation and air tightness. This research related to Passive architecture and development around the world understands the status of domestic and international as case studies based on the current construction of a sustainable future through energy-efficient housing. Energy-saving housing construction requires elements of the technology are still in the entry-level position domestically and there are many other different issues. However, in countries with large capital investments in green building as a deeper study, and if backed by systematic technical education about substantiality (passive & active) elements, smart technology will be able to go along quickly.

In order to design technology integrated for the construction of smart passive architecture with the environment in mind , it is necessary to present a strategy and points to eco-friendly as well as presentation of the process , it must be considered for each process , it is easy to apply , it will be put to practical use . In this study , the element in accordance with the integrated construction methodology for smart passive architecture , matter is a very basic . In order to achieve passive architecture smart instructions for building the point ( earth , shape , spatial structure , skin , material ) above , it must be able to estimate the gain and the amount of energy usage in the overall building . Next , establish the acquisition of energy for each element of each , consumption , management and storage method is required. Network system capable of the next , and controls the respective systems are required . It must be able to enhance the effect by fusion construct various methods here.

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