정말 신기하고 환상적인 사진앱 Scalado Rewind, Scalado Remove

APP추천 | 2012-02-21 오전 1:40:53 | 조회수 : 1928 | 공개

스웨덴소재 영상 소프트웨어 전문업체 스칼라도에서 획기적인 사진촬영앱 2종을 출시했다.

이들 앱은 오는 27일 스페인 바르셀로나에서 개최하는 모바일월드콩그레스2012(MWC2012)에 선보일 예정이다.

1.Scalado Rewind - The perfect group shot
Capture the perfect group shot! When taking a photo of several people at once, it's almost impossible to get that one 'perfect shot' where everyone is smiling and looking at the camera -- and where no one is blinking! Not anymore. It's now actually possible to take the perfect group shot with Scalado's Rewind.

2.Scalado Remove - Capture a clear view
When capturing photos in a busy area, like a public square or a concert for example, it is often difficult to get a clean shot without unwanted objects entering the frame. Now you can capture the shot anyway, and simply let the camera remove the people for you!

Point your camera and take a photo. Afterwards you can remove anyone moving around, or select your friends and remove any strangers.

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