CTBUH Names Best Tall Buildings for 2012 - CTBUH `2012 세계 최고의 초고층건물`

기본 | 2012-09-28 오후 3:14:29 | 조회수 : 2681 | 공개

 CTBUH 에서 선정한  `2012 세계 최고의 초고층건물`입니다.

원문 주소 : http://www.ctbuh.org/Awards/OverviewofPastAwards/2012Awards/PR_RegionalWinners/tabid/3359/language/en-US/Default.aspx

보도자료 다운로드 : Download PDF Press Release

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CTBUH Names Best Tall Buildings for 2012

Buildings in Italy and Australia win for the first time; Abu Dhabi towers win first “Innovation’ award; Helmut Jahn, Charles Thornton and Richard Tomasetti receive lifetime achievement awards


Chicago - June 13, 2012

Dramatic towers in Canada, Qatar, Australia and Italy have been named the best tall buildings in the world for 2012 by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the international not-for-profit association

The four regional winners include the Absolute Towers in Mississauga, Canada (Americas); 1 Bligh Street, Sydney (Asia and Australia); Palazzo Lombardia, Milan (Europe); and Doha Tower, Doha (Middle East and Africa).

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