[데일리건설뉴스 Daily Construction News] Oct.1(Fri) 2021 CONPAPER

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[데일리건설뉴스 Daily Construction News] Oct.1(Fri) 2021 CONPAPER

[데일리건설뉴스 Daily Construction News] Sept.30(Thu) 2021 CONPAPER


21년 3분기‘지표로 보는 건설시장 동향 및 전망 발표 [대한건설정책연구원]

과천과천 3기 신도시 보상 본격 착수 [LH]

‘평택·당진항 2-3단계 1종 항만배후단지 개발사업 우선협상대상자 선정 [해양수산부]

인천 ~ 강화간 왕복 4차선 도로확장 10월 착공 [인천시]

국토부 “여의도개발 연기해 달라” 서울시에 요청에 뿔난 여의도 ㅣ서울시. 여의도 시범아파트부터 개발 검토 중

9호선 4단계 추가연장구간(강동~하남~남양주간) 도시철도 사업 본격화 [강동구]


삼성전자, 평택사업장에 53층 통합사무동 건설 추진

대우건설, 광양읍 용강지구 공동주택 신축사업 ㅣ 음성성본산업단지 B3블록 공동주택 신축공사 수주

GS건설, 광주 호남대 쌍촌캠퍼스부지 공동주택 신축공사 ㅣ 동양, 상봉동 역세권 청년주택 신축공사 수주

새만금 관광명소화사업, 우선협상대상자 선정 [새만금개발청]

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70억불 규모 체코 두코바니 원전 사업에 러 중 배제 확정 Czech support for nuclear becomes law

건설공사장 종사자 대상 선제검사 행정명령 [서울시]

적도의 눈, 북극의 비 [김홍묵]

공화당, 연례 의회 야구경기에서 민주당에 승리 VIDEO: GOP rep hits out-of-the-park home run in Congressional Baseball Game

어지러운 사회 단신...jtbc 맘카페 산업안전공단 등

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자전거 '민폐' 주행자 어떡하나..."하지만 할 말이 많다"

수도권 무주택 30․40대 주택 구매여력 분석 [건설산업연구원]

다 자랐네!...에버랜드 아기 한국호랑이 오둥이 일반에 공개

다음은 갑(甲)오징어 게임이다[박상도]

10 iF 디자인 어워드 2021 스피커 부문 수상작 VIDEO:10 iF design award 2021 winning sound systems are treats for the ears

Engi's Google blog


Engi's YouTube Channel 'BEYOND'






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doctor   2021-10-09 07:31 [ Modify ]  [ Delete ]
Koreawebcast video letter
In order to carry out purpose-built projects approved by the state,
Through the world-class media broadcasting contents demanded by the times with passion and dedication
We will take the lead in spreading the Korean Wave culture.
Through fairness and win-win communication, empathy, transparency and high moral ethical awareness
A promise to take the lead in fulfilling one's roles and responsibilities and to lead by example
We will pioneer the future together.
The era of the 4th revolution is completely changing the framework of the current universal perception.
The ecosystem of the revolution media broadcasting content industry is completely changing.
With the goal of developing media broadcasting contents that incorporate ICT technology in this huge wave of change,
Local social communication and economy through demand survey, statistical analysis, academic research and education evaluation
We will also strive to promote the field.
Communication through discovering and nurturing human resources that are trusted and competitive with the world
We will be reborn as a media broadcast that is welcomed in the field in the local field.
In addition, in the age of 100, retirees with professional careers (50-70 years old) started a talent donation culture.
Take the lead in building
We will develop a policy model that can solve the problem and prepare for implementation.
From me at least to all mankind at large
, politics, economy, society, education, culture, philosophy, religion, etc.
All established common sense that has been formed must be broken.
In doing so, human history can lead to genuine progressive development through qualitative change.
There is,
The basis for breaking that common sense is the rule of law that we are aiming for today.
A video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting will open up the digital world of the future with you.
In the future, applause of support for good things and warm rebuke and encouragement for bad things.
Please do not spare.
<Video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting Association>