[데일리건설뉴스 Daily Construction News] Oct.6(Wed) 2021 CONPAPER

데 일 리. | 2021-10-06 오후 7:10:34 | 조회수 : 511 | 공개

[데일리건설뉴스 Daily Construction News] Oct.6(Wed) 2021 CONPAPER

[데일리건설뉴스 Daily Construction News] Oct.5(Tue) 2021 CONPAPER


도로용어, 쉽고 바른 우리말로 바꿔 쓰세요 [국토교통부]

1조 5,740억 원 규모 서울도시철도 7호선 청라연장선(6개 공구) 공사 발주 [인천시]

중대건설사고 발생 시 사고조사위원회 구성해야.."잘 안지켜져"

대형 복합건축물 3곳 중 1곳꼴 소방시설 불량 [경기도]

수문, 제방 및 방조제, 상수도 등 ‘내진성능 평가요령’ 일부 개정 [국토안전관리원]

한강하구 유입 쓰레기 425억 원 들여 처리ㅣ 환경표지 무단 사용 근절 [환경부]


세계 주요 시장 건설장비 판매량 ㅣ 중국 유압 굴삭기 판매 정점 지나가 Chinese excavator market passes its peak

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하도급 수주 시 사전에 주의할 점

[Nobel prize 2021] 마나베 슈쿠로, 클라우스 하셀만, 조르조 파리시 수상 VIDEO: Announcement of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

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APS 와 ASM-DT 수중 소총 VIDEO: Russia upgrades amphibious rifles for commando swimmers ㅣ Fire the 'Needlegun': Yes, Russia Built Underwater Rifles

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묵념으로 시작한 강의 [이성낙]

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Engi's Google blog


Engi's YouTube Channel 'BEYOND'






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댓글 : 3
doctor   2021-10-09 07:27 [ Modify ]  [ Delete ]
Koreawebcast video letter
In order to carry out purpose-built projects approved by the state,
Through the world-class media broadcasting contents demanded by the times with passion and dedication
We will take the lead in spreading the Korean Wave culture.
Through fairness and win-win communication, empathy, transparency and high moral ethical awareness
A promise to take the lead in fulfilling one's roles and responsibilities and to lead by example
We will pioneer the future together.
The era of the 4th revolution is completely changing the framework of the current universal perception.
The ecosystem of the revolution media broadcasting content industry is completely changing.
With the goal of developing media broadcasting contents that incorporate ICT technology in this huge wave of change,
Local social communication and economy through demand survey, statistical analysis, academic research and education evaluation
We will also strive to promote the field.
Communication through discovering and nurturing human resources that are trusted and competitive with the world
We will be reborn as a media broadcast that is welcomed in the field in the local field.
In addition, in the age of 100, retirees with professional careers (50-70 years old) started a talent donation culture.
Take the lead in building
We will develop a policy model that can solve the problem and prepare for implementation.
From me at least to all mankind at large
, politics, economy, society, education, culture, philosophy, religion, etc.
All established common sense that has been formed must be broken.
In doing so, human history can lead to genuine progressive development through qualitative change.
There is,
The basis for breaking that common sense is the rule of law that we are aiming for today.
A video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting will open up the digital world of the future with you.
In the future, applause of support for good things and warm rebuke and encouragement for bad things.
Please do not spare.
<Video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting Association>
doctor   2021-10-09 07:27 [ Modify ]  [ Delete ]
Koreawebcast video letter
In order to carry out purpose-built projects approved by the state,
Through the world-class media broadcasting contents demanded by the times with passion and dedication
We will take the lead in spreading the Korean Wave culture.
Through fairness and win-win communication, empathy, transparency and high moral ethical awareness
A promise to take the lead in fulfilling one's roles and responsibilities and to lead by example
We will pioneer the future together.
The era of the 4th revolution is completely changing the framework of the current universal perception.
The ecosystem of the revolution media broadcasting content industry is completely changing.
With the goal of developing media broadcasting contents that incorporate ICT technology in this huge wave of change,
Local social communication and economy through demand survey, statistical analysis, academic research and education evaluation
We will also strive to promote the field.
Communication through discovering and nurturing human resources that are trusted and competitive with the world
We will be reborn as a media broadcast that is welcomed in the field in the local field.
In addition, in the age of 100, retirees with professional careers (50-70 years old) started a talent donation culture.
Take the lead in building
We will develop a policy model that can solve the problem and prepare for implementation.
From me at least to all mankind at large
, politics, economy, society, education, culture, philosophy, religion, etc.
All established common sense that has been formed must be broken.
In doing so, human history can lead to genuine progressive development through qualitative change.
There is,
The basis for breaking that common sense is the rule of law that we are aiming for today.
A video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting will open up the digital world of the future with you.
In the future, applause of support for good things and warm rebuke and encouragement for bad things.
Please do not spare.
<Video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting Association>
doctor   2021-10-09 07:26 [ Modify ]  [ Delete ]
Koreawebcast video letter
In order to carry out purpose-built projects approved by the state,
Through the world-class media broadcasting contents demanded by the times with passion and dedication
We will take the lead in spreading the Korean Wave culture.
Through fairness and win-win communication, empathy, transparency and high moral ethical awareness
A promise to take the lead in fulfilling one's roles and responsibilities and to lead by example
We will pioneer the future together.
The era of the 4th revolution is completely changing the framework of the current universal perception.
The ecosystem of the revolution media broadcasting content industry is completely changing.
With the goal of developing media broadcasting contents that incorporate ICT technology in this huge wave of change,
Local social communication and economy through demand survey, statistical analysis, academic research and education evaluation
We will also strive to promote the field.
Communication through discovering and nurturing human resources that are trusted and competitive with the world
We will be reborn as a media broadcast that is welcomed in the field in the local field.
In addition, in the age of 100, retirees with professional careers (50-70 years old) started a talent donation culture.
Take the lead in building
We will develop a policy model that can solve the problem and prepare for implementation.
From me at least to all mankind at large
, politics, economy, society, education, culture, philosophy, religion, etc.
All established common sense that has been formed must be broken.
In doing so, human history can lead to genuine progressive development through qualitative change.
There is,
The basis for breaking that common sense is the rule of law that we are aiming for today.
A video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting will open up the digital world of the future with you.
In the future, applause of support for good things and warm rebuke and encouragement for bad things.
Please do not spare.
<Video letter from Korea Internet Broadcasting Association>