Introducing for 5th semester

기본카테고리 | 2012-10-11 오전 4:49:25 | 조회수 : 1378 | 공개

The studio looks at the sustainable aspect of temporality by investigating the accelerated mutation – decomposition and adaptability in materials, as these respond to natural and/or induced biological, chemical and environment fluctuations. In particular we are interested in the characteristics of absorption and erosion in wood under increased entropy, to water within the context of our site. Process and final physical models will be developed within the studio to examine scale heterogeneity from structural massing models to conceptual expansion joint details that can further articulate transformation in materials. The discourse will extend to the relationship of time and new emerging modes of occupation and communication in architectural space. Initial program articulation will include office space for the local port authority along with public zone for sport and well-being activities. Using parametric systems, the studio will explore the tectonic resonance of how memory is not only formed, maintained and transmitted but transformed concealed and destroyed.

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이전 포스트 :: my work sheet